Haven FYI – Friday Feb 3, 2023

     National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is observed in February. The month encourages young people and their loved ones throughout the country to come together to raise awareness about the issue of teen dating violence. This annual, month-long, national awareness drive focuses on the education needed to prevent dating abuse before it even starts.


  1. Long-term effects

Teens suffering from dating abuse often end up being victims of long-term problems like alcoholism, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and violent bouts.

  1. Widely affected

In the U.S., about 33% of male and female adolescents are victims of sexual, physical, or emotional dating abuse.

  1. S.T.D. scares

Teen girls subject to abuse are six times more likely to become pregnant or contract an S.T.D. or S.T.I.

  1. Suicidal scares

A shocking 50% of young adults who experience physical or sexual abuse (including rape) attempt to commit suicide.

  1. Can’t confide

Only a third of teens in an abusive relationship confide in someone about the abuse and hesitate to seek help.

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A great resource for teens: