H.A.V.E.N. Update
By Cathleen Osborne-Gowey (Program Admin – Crime Victim Advocate) 918.554.2836 or through our text line at 918.533.3070 and by email at COsbornegowey@estoo.net
Upcoming Events:
Support Group: Please call our office for details.
Program Update:
Hello all –
We’ve had a busy holiday season full of outreach events, conferences, program reviews, new staff, and new clients seeking services. Like many of you, we’re ready for the calm long winter nights to rest and recharge. In this month’s article we’d like to introduce our two new advocates, Joy McCoy and Lisa Shamblin.
Joy McCoy will be working as our full time mobile advocate. “I am not new to the tribe; I am new to HAVEN. I worked in The Native Connection Department, then when that grant ended, I worked in the Culture Department and continued working with Brandon the Tribal counselor one day a week until I moved to this department. I have a passion to help people!” We are so lucky to have her join our department and look forward to the amazing mobile services she’ll be providing for our clients.
Lisa Shamblin comes to use from the Miami Community Crisis Center where she worked as an advocate. She will be working full time as our victim of crime advocate providing her advocacy skills and experience to our program. We are so thankful she has decided to join our team.
Both individuals will bring experience, resources, and connection to the community to their positions. How exciting to see our program grow!
Remember, getting out of an abusive relationship can be difficult. There are many resources to help you stay safe and regain control of your life.
If you have concerns about what’s happening in your relationship we’re here to listen and support you!
Haven Office Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday
HAVEN Does NOT provide 24- hour service. After hours please call:
StrongHearts Native Helpline https://strongheartshelpline 1-844-762-8483 (call or text) or Community Crisis Center, Miami, OK 1-800-400-0883
StrongHearts and Community Crisis Center have 24 hour service
Please call the HAVEN office during business hours for more information.
918-554-2836 or Text Line: 918.533.3070
Program Website: https://havenprogram.com/
Program Email: havenprogram@estoo.net Facebook: HAVEN Tribal Program, Twitter: @ProgramHaven, Instagram: HAVENTRIBALProgram.