Haven FYI -Fri March 12, 2021

NO MORE’s eighth annual NO MORE Week is  THIS WEEK March 7-13, 2021. The goal of NO MORE is to inspire everyone to make change to help create a culture of safety, equality, and respect in our communities.

To end domestic violence and sexual assault, we all need to be part of the solution. Educating yourself and others, helping a friend who is being abused, speaking up, and being an engaged bystander are all examples of things you can do to help.

Talking about these issues openly will help end the shame and stigma that domestic violence and sexual assault survivors are burdened with. The next time you’re in a room with 6 people, think about this:

  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience violence from their partners in their lifetimes.
  • 1 in 3 teens experience sexual or physical abuse or threats from a boyfriend or girlfriend in one year.
  • 1 in 5 women are survivors of rape.
  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced sexual violence in their lives.
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18.

I challenge you to take a minute of your time to watch this 30 second PSA….   When its hard to talk*** it is up to us to listen

You can support NO MORE Week by:

Silence and lack of knowledge about domestic violence and sexual assault play a large part in why they persist. Simply wanting to help is a huge step toward ending the shame and stigma that survivors are burdened with.

Tell us why you say NO MORE with your own NO MORE Week Sign. Please print and take a picture with your sign and inspire others to join the movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault!   To learn you can visit https://nomore.org/  or reach out to a HAVEN advocate.  We are here to help.

Haven Office: 918-554-2836

Text Line: 918.533.3070

Crime Victim Advocate: 541.602.0616

Program Website: https://havenprogram.com/

Program Email: havenprogram@estoo.net

Facebook: HAVEN Tribal Program, Twitter: @ProgramHaven, Instagram: HAVENTRIBALProgram.