Have you been in an abusive environment growing up or an abusive relationship? Even if they aren’t physically violent with you, they could still be abusing you through gaslighting, emotional abuse, narcissistic abuse, verbal abuse, psychological abuse, and more. Sometimes what we experience in a toxic relationship can cause us to develop unhealed trauma or CPTSD. To help you be more aware of these psychological scars, we made this video on the signs of people who might have been abused.
Author: Web Editor

Haven FYI- Friday September 16, 2022
Rachel Louise Snyder the author of, “No Visible Bruises, What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us,” spoke at a conference I attended. I found the following excerpt from her book eye-opening on the victim’s perspective of protective orders and the common practice of recanting reported abuse to law enforcement. How would it feel to have a bear after you?

Haven FYI – Friday, September 2, 2022
This week our FYI is focused on what domestic violence is and how to identify the common signs of domestic violence. Often, it comes in subtle ways we don’t realize that build over time.

Haven FYI – August 26, 2022
As students get back into school oftentimes anxiety and stress can build up. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) reports: “After a period of stability from 2000 to 2007 as shown previously, the suicide rate among adolescents and young adults aged 10-24 in the united states increased 57.4% from 6.8 per 100,000 in 2007 to 10.7 in 2018. For kiddos in the LGBTQ community: “ suicide is the second leading cause of death amount young people aged 10-24 (Hedegaard, Curtin, & Warner 2018) – and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth are at significantly increased risk. LGBTQ youth are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers (Johns et all., 2019)”. According to the Trevor Project “LGBTQ youth are not inherently prone to suicide risk because of their sexual orientation or gender identity but rather placed at higher risk because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized in society”.