The 15th of June in 2022 commemorates the elderly – it’s World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This date calls attention to a global problem of an aging society. Older people are often dependent on the home care of their relatives who might be unable to cope with that. Domestic violence and abuse of the elder is the sad consequence World Elder Abuse Awareness points to.
Author: Web Editor

Haven FYI – Friday June 3rd, 2022
June is PRIDE Month when the world’s LGBTQ communities come together to celebrate the freedom to express themselves.

Haven FYI – Friday May 27, 2022
Wow…this has been a week, hasn’t it? It’s hard to read the paper, listen to the news, or check Facebook. That feeling you’re feeling – is called various trauma or compassion fatigue (when you’ve been exposed to trauma after trauma – even when it’s not your trauma – but it causes physical, emotional, and spiritual depletion because you’ve been exposed to significant emotional and physical pain and distress) and we’ve all been feeling it for a LONG time. So what do we do about it? I thought about this a lot this week -trying to find ways to feel less overwhelmed and I came across this blog with logical tips that can help.

June Haven Update
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. With all the new flowers blooming so is our program. Haven is working to open our four temporary emergency homes for Haven clients who are victims of crime and has been providing amazing outreach events.