We hope this article finds everyone safe and well. We wanted to take time to remind everyone that our program provides services to ALL Eastern Shawnee current victims of crime, specifically domestic violence and sexual assault, REGARDLESS of where they live. That means if you live in Oklahoma, Oregon, Missouri, Kansas, or ANYWHERE and you are a current victim of crime…YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Author: Web Editor

Haven FYI – Friday, April 22, 2022
Take the pledge to end sexual violence, wear denim and post a on social media!
There is no excuse and never an invitation to rape

Haven FYI – Friday, April 15, 2022
An excerpt from “dear sister” letters from survivors of sexual violence edited by Lisa Factora- Borchers.
Letter 3: It Wasn’t Your Fault by Aaminah Shakur

Haven FYI – Friday, April 8, 2022
This week, in observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I wanted to discuss some things regarding Online Sexual Abuse.