“The impact of domestic and family violence on children is immense and can often affect them for the rest of their lives. Children and young people don’t have to see the violence to be affected by it”.
Author: Web Editor

December Haven Update
“The holidays are often a time of joy and community, but for people in abusive relationships, the holidays can be stressful and dangerous. Spending time with family and friends, dealing with financial stress and traveling can make safety planning for the holidays a challenge. Family and friends of survivors may also struggle to find ways to help or be supportive. We wanted to offer a few suggestions for survivors and friends or family of survivors for making the holidays feel safer by safety planning for the upcoming holidays”.

Haven FYI -Friday, Nov 19, 2021
In honor of Native American Heritage Month please take a few moments to read how traditional Native American values are reflected in healthy relationships from the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

Haven FYI – Friday, Nov 5, 2021
One of the most dangerous and insidious truths about domestic violence is it’s easy to ignore if it’s not visible. Like an iceberg, there’s a lot more than what is visible above the surface, and that’s true for individuals, communities, and cultures.