Children who experience abusive situations are forced to process complex emotions, often without access to the resources they need to do so. Planning for your children’s physical and emotional health is essential for their short-term and long-term wellbeing, no matter how old they are.
Author: Web Editor

September Haven Update
“Think about your closest circle of friends. Now, notice the statistic above. 1 in 4 women. 1 in 7 men. Statistically, someone you know has been a victim of domestic abuse, yet you probably have no idea. Frightening, right?”

Haven FYI – Friday, Aug 13, 2021
With school getting ready to start again, and most districts going back to in-person learning, I want to touch really quick on talking to, and educating our youth about, Teen Dating Violence.

Haven FYI – Fri August 6, 2021
Acclaimed author Basil Johnson shares words of wisdom regarding traditional native values and asks each of us to take the following vow:
We must honor our women, our grandmothers, our wives, our sisters, and all others.”