Have you talked to the teens or young adults in your life about healthy relationship? Do they know if their relationships are healthy? Take a few minutes to watch this short one minute video to gain some insight on how to talk with them…or better yet watch it WITH THEM!
Author: Web Editor
February H.A.V.E.N Update
This month we’re focusing on awareness toward human trafficking in our state. Did you know human trafficking is a large issue for Native communities and the U.S. as a whole – even here in Oklahoma?
Haven FYI – Fri Jan 15, 2021
In a few weeks the Superbowl will be watched in many homes across America but did you know that with Superbowl often comes human trafficking?
Haven FYI – Fri Jan 8, 2021
According to Oklahoma’s Commission on the Status of Women , “Oklahoma’s central location is believed to play a major role in trafficking cases; with its three major interstate highways, I-35, I-40, and I- 44, Oklahoma cities are on major human trafficking routes throughout all ports, north, east, and west, providing a crossroads to human trafficking,” (Human Trafficking, 2017)