Haven February Article

Our program is best known for assisting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; however, did you know that if your home is broken into and you need knew locks, we can help? If you are a victim of arson, identity theft, assault, DUI crash we can provide advocacy and emergency assistance (with verification of the crime within the past 6 months)if you are Eastern Shawnee and local community within our service area. 

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Haven January Article

We’ve had a busy holiday season full of outreach events, conferences, program reviews, new staff, and new clients seeking services. Like many of you, we’re ready for the calm long winter nights to rest and recharge. In this month’s article we’d like to introduce our two new advocates, Joy McCoy and Lisa Shamblin.

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Haven October Article

Fall is here, the leaves are changing and we’re starting to feel cooler weather. With colder weather we tend to be indoors more and when you’re in an abusive relationship, being in close contact can be dangerous. As an advocate, we often hear, if it’s so dangerous why don’t people just leave? The answer isn’t as simple as we’d like it to be.

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