Haven FYI – Fri July 19, 2021

Language, a word choice, has a tremendous impact on what we think of ourselves and each other.  Think back to a time in your childhood, when someone called you a name or said something derogatory about you.  You can probably remember the exact words they said to humiliate or degrade you.  Words are extremely powerful.

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Haven FYI – Fri July 2, 2021

With COVID-19 spreading into a second year, there is a heightened awareness of the need to access personal care products. Early in the Health Crisis, hygiene and protective items were difficult to find on store shelves as panic buying set in and products used for hand washing and general hygiene disappeared. Staying healthy can already be difficult when leaving an abusive situation or while in a shelter, so when these items are scarce, it makes it that much more difficult to feel safe from abuse and the virus.

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