This month we are focusing on the basics of our program, what kind of program Haven is, who we serve, and the services we provide. It’s important to us that you know that we are here for ALL victims of crime. Read below and call if you have questions, we’re here to help.
Category: Monthly Blog Posts
July Haven Update
On average, nearly 20 people every 60 seconds are physically abused by an intimate partner in the U.S. This equates to more than 10 million women and men each year. I look forward to using the knowledge and experience I gained working in law enforcement over the past 17 years, to provide survivor-centered advocacy, help them navigate the legal system, and assist in enhancing their safety.
June Haven Update
Did you know that Haven Assists ALL Victims of Crime?
Our program is best known for assisting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; however, did you know that if you are home is broken into and you need new locks we can help? If you are a victim of arson, identity theft, assault, DUI crash we can provide advocacy and emergency assistance (with verification of the crime within the past 6 months).
May H.A.V.E.N Update
Social media does a great job at putting acronyms and images out but does not give us the full picture of what they mean. One of those is MMIW and MMIWG. We see images of Native women with the phrase MMIW on Facebook and we wonder…what does that mean? Does that happen here in Oklahoma? Is that just something that happens in rural Canada? The answer is YES…missing and murdered indigenous women and girls happens in Canada, it happens on rural reservations in Wyoming, North Dakota, in every state, and in Ottawa County Oklahoma. To get a better picture of the issue here in Oklahoma, I’d like us to listen to the voice of a family dealing the loss of someone they love here in Oklahoma. This is sections of an article published in the Oklahoman on July 17, 2019. Please read the article below, listen to this family’s story, and let’s learn what MMIW really means.