May 5th is National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls throughout the nation. I’ve been asked several times over the years, is this really a problem in Oklahoma? Which is a fair question. When we think of MMIW we think of Canada or states that border Canada. We don’t often think of our own small towns. However, “Oklahoma is one of the top states with the highest number of missing and murdered Indigenous people cases”. It’s happening in every state and in every town – even our own. Let’s read this article reported by Katie Arata on January 3rd of this year.
Category: Monthly Blog Posts
Haven April Article
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Sexual assault can take many different forms, but one thing remains the same: it’s never the victim’s fault.
Haven March Article
H.A.V.E.N. Update By Cathleen Osborne-Gowey (Program Admin – Crime Victim Advocate) 918.554.2836 or Upcoming Events: Support Group: Please call our office for details. Program Update: Hello all – By the time you read this our two new staff members will have joined our team. Look for a proper introduction to them both next month. […]
Haven February Article
It’s important that we are as confidential as possible with our client’s information and location so that clients feel safe enough to take that dangerous first step and trust our advocates and our program.