In this month’s article we’re going back to basics; what are the warning signs that a relationship might be unhealthy, and what services Haven can help with.
Category: Monthly Blog Posts
December Haven Update
“The holidays are often a time of joy and community, but for people in abusive relationships, the holidays can be stressful and dangerous. Spending time with family and friends, dealing with financial stress and traveling can make safety planning for the holidays a challenge. Family and friends of survivors may also struggle to find ways to help or be supportive. We wanted to offer a few suggestions for survivors and friends or family of survivors for making the holidays feel safer by safety planning for the upcoming holidays”.
October Haven Update
Haven Monthly Report for October
September Haven Update
“Think about your closest circle of friends. Now, notice the statistic above. 1 in 4 women. 1 in 7 men. Statistically, someone you know has been a victim of domestic abuse, yet you probably have no idea. Frightening, right?”