H.A.V.E.N. Update
By Cathleen Osborne-Gowey (Program Admin – Crime Victim Advocate) 541.602.0616 or COsbornegowey@estoo.net
Upcoming Events:
Haven will be attending the local Pride Event on June 18th – contact our office for more details.
Support Group will now be IN PERSON: Please call our office for details.
Program Update:
Hello all –
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. With all the new flowers blooming so is our program. Haven is working to open our four temporary emergency homes for Haven clients who are victims of crime and has been providing amazing outreach events.
In the Shooting Star you’ll notice pictures of our emergency temporary homes that we’re opening soon to victims of crime. These homes will be available to Victims of Crime needing emergency temporary shelter – eligibility determined during the Haven intake process. We’re very excited to begin working toward one of our clients’ largest needs – emergency temporary housing. Victims of Crime, specifically domestic violence, often leave abuse and violence and don’t have a safe space to rest for the night. These homes will allow victims of crime to spend a few nights resting and figuring out their next steps.
Haven works hard to provide outreach to all victims of crime. Our outreach coordinator thinks outside the box to provide outreach to all in our community. We wanted to take the opportunity to share the type of outreach we’ve provided recently and give you all ideas of where you can get more information about our program and services. Recently we participated in the Seneca Schools “All School Reads”, which focused on the book Stuart Little. We provided “travel packs” with needed hygiene items for students that we called “hobo pack” like Stuart Little carries. We included Haven information and provided Haven info to teachers. Haven also participated in Afton Schools Awareness Walk which focused on Teen Dating Awareness, Law Enforcement Appreciation Day where we provided lunch, and for Sexual Assault Awareness we provided care packs to victims who come to the hospital for sexual assault exams. We also provide specific projects for Haven clients, over the last couple of months they’ve included “Spring Cleaning Kits” and Easter Breakfast baskets.
Check out the pictures below!

Remember – if you have questions please contact HAVEN and talk with one of our advocates about how we can help and what services Haven can provide.
If you are able please call or see the messaging links above:
Haven Office: 918-554-2836
Text Line: 918.533.3070
Crime Victim Advocate: 541.602.0616
Program Website: https://havenprogram.com/
Program Email: havenprogram@estoo.net
Facebook: HAVEN Tribal Program, Twitter: @ProgramHaven, Instagram: HAVENTRIBALProgram.
Our advocates are here to help!