H.A.V.E.N. Update
By Cathleen Osborne-Gowey (Program Admin – Crime Victim Advocate) 541.602.0616 or COsbornegowey@estoo.net
Upcoming Events:
Support Group will now be IN PERSON: Please call our office for details.
Program Update:
Hello all –
We hope this article finds everyone safe and well. We wanted to take time to remind everyone that our program provides services to ALL Eastern Shawnee current victims of crime, specifically domestic violence and sexual assault, REGARDLESS of where they live. That means if you live in Oklahoma, Oregon, Missouri, Kansas, or ANYWHERE and you are a current victim of crime…YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Below we will outline what that means and what services we provide.
HAVEN Assists All Eastern Shawnee Victims of Violence
REGARDLESS of Where they Live
While we work specifically with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, we also assist other victims of crime. Our program assists all Eastern Shawnee current victims of crime, meaning those who have been a victim of crime in the past 6 months with a copy of a police report.
Current Victim of Crime: Defined by Office for Victims of Crime
Adult molested as child
Adult age 18 or older who was sexually abused as a child (see child sexual abuse definition below).
Adult sexual assault
Sexual offense—including rape, incest, fondling, exhibitionism, or pornography—of an adult age 18 or older.
Aggravated assault
Unlawful, intentional causing of serious bodily injury with or without a deadly weapon, or unlawful, intentional attempting or threatening of serious bodily injury or death with a deadly or dangerous weapon.
Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling, house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, or personal property of another.
An unlawful attack by one person on another, with or without a weapon, that inflicts, or attempts or threatens to inflict, physical injury.
Child physical abuse
Non-accidental injury to a child by a parent or other adult that may include severe beatings, burns, strangulation, or human bites.
Child sexual abuse
Sexual offense (see definition below) against a child by a parent or other adult.
Domestic violence
Violent acts involving a current or former spouse or domestic partner.
DUI/DWI crash
Accident involving one or more motor vehicles in which at least one driver was under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs (DUI) or was legally intoxicated (DWI) at the time of the crash.
Elder abuse
Abuse perpetrated by a caretaker on an elderly individual who depends on others for support and assistance.
A deliberate deception perpetrated for unlawful or unfair gain.
Human Trafficking
Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.
Identity theft
A crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver’s license numbers, to impersonate someone else.
Taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence.
Sexual offense
Forcible rape, attempted rape, statutory rape, sexual harassment, prostitution, or other unlawful sexual contact and other unlawful behavior intended to result in sexual gratification or profit from sexual activity.
Any unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the victim in fear.
White-collar crime
Nonviolent crime for financial gain committed by means of deception by persons with special technical and professional knowledge of business or government.
For a complete list of OVC’s definition of victims of crime please call our office.
Services We Provide:
Emergency Services:
- Advocacy and emotional support, for the client and their children
- Emergency services such as transport to shelter and food or clothing and other emergency needs.
- Providing each client with a safety plan, as well as safety devices for their home.
- Vocational assistance.
- Providing referrals for counseling and legal services.
- These and additional services are provided after a client assessment is done.
Transitional Housing Services:
- Advocacy and emotional support, for the client and their children
- Housing advocacy for those with verifiable employment.
- Providing each client with a safety plan, as well as safety devices for their home.
- Vocational assistance.
- Providing referrals for legal and counseling services.
- Providing rent subsidies and other types of financial help (transportation, childcare and household furnishings) based on need and verifiable employment.
- These and additional services are provided after a client assessment is done.
We will assist our clients with their personal, economic, and housing goals by offering them differing forms of assistance to secure and maintain stability as well as the time they need to heal. We offer advocacy, emotional support, referrals, and assistance in gaining economic stability through education, employment and/or applying for public assistance. Services are determined by the client and advocate on a case-by-case basis of established need.
Participants in the Eastern Shawnee Haven program must be a CURRENT victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, teen dating violence, human sex trafficking or victim of crime. Eligibility based on need and assessment by Haven advocate.
If you have questions, please contact HAVEN and talk with one of our advocates about how we can help and what services Haven can provide.
If you are able please call or see the messaging links above:
Haven Office: 918-554-2836
Text Line: 918.533.3070
Crime Victim Advocate: 541.602.0616
Program Website: https://havenprogram.com/
Program Email: havenprogram@estoo.net
Facebook: HAVEN Tribal Program, Twitter: @ProgramHaven, Instagram: HAVENTRIBALProgram.
Our advocates are here to help!